Vets Rally Signup

/Vets Rally Signup
Vets Rally Signup 2020-08-12T07:33:56-07:00

Veterans Rally for Disabled Veterans

2021 VetsRally4Vets

Welcome to the 2021 VetsRally4Vets, the inaugural edition of a car rally by veterans in support of our disabled bretheren.

20 American Veterans commit suicide every day! Awareness and prevention are critical to saving these lives.

The VetsRally4Vets mission is to raise awareness of veteran PTSD and suicide and to generate funds to provide companion dogs to veterans dealing with PTSD and depression.

The VetsRally4Vets supports the Disabled Veteran Empowerment Network (, which has the mission of supporting America’s 4.7 million veterans with service-connected disabilities.

How Dogs Help with PTSD

15-20% of America’s military veterans suffer from PTSD and 20 American veterans commit suicide every day. We can’t let this continue to happen.

Owning a dog lifts the owner’s spirit and helps reduce stress and depression. Dogs help people feel better by providing loyal companionship which reduces the overall mental anguish and depression of veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

While it costs over $30,000 to deliver a fully-trained service dog to a disabled veteran, we can provide veterans suffering with PTSD a basic-trained companion dog for roughly $2,500.00.  Each dog we provide gives a PTSD veteran these critical benefits:

  • A way to express emotional love and compassion
  • A loyal companion when depression and anxiety take over
  • A good reason to get out of the house, spend time outdoors, meet new people, and
  • A trusted companion for fun and stress reduction

Every dog we can provide benefits two lives: a rescued dog and an emotionally vulnerable veteran!

2021 VetsRally4Vets Mission Statement

  1. Raise awareness of veteran PTSD and veteran suicide
  2. Generate enough funds to train and provide 10 companion dogs
  3. Provide able-bodied veterans an opportunity to support our disabled bretheren

2021 VetsRally4Vets Venue and Schedule

    • Participants drive “rally” to Summit Point Raceway in West Virginia, just 60 miles from Washington, DC
  • Agenda
    • Morning parade laps so drivers and passengers can become familiar with the track – Summit Point parade lap video
    • Morning Track Cross [time trial, one car at a time] clockwise
    • Mid-day – skid pad fun [and lunch]
    • Afternoon – Track Cross Counter-clockwise

2021 VetsRally4Vet Event Date

We have our date – June 26, 2021!  Put it on your calendar.

This is an Inter-Service Competition!

Which service will have the greatest participation: Army? Air Force? Navy? Marine Corps? Coast Guard? National Guard? United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps? National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Commissioned Officer Corps? 

More Details About VetsRally4Vets 2021 at Summit Point Raceway

  • The parade laps are non-competitive and passengers are allowed
  • You don’t need a race car for any of the events. You can use your daily driver or family car. It just needs to be in good mechanical condition and pass a basic safety check
  • You don’t need a race license for any of the events; just a valid state driver license
  • You don’t need a helmet for the parade laps or skid pad. You will need a helmet for the timed Track Cross events, but loaners will be available at the track.
  • We will have music – maybe a battle of the bands – and lunch is included your donation
  • More questions? Send them to us info @

parade laps at Summit Point Raceway

Join the 2021 VetsRally4Vets Information List

Complete the form below to be join our information list. We would love to have yor feedback and suggestions about the event and location. See you on June 26, 2021!

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