Meet Cancer Journeys Foundation CEO Robert Hess
As of May 2018, I am a 15-year prostate cancer survivor. I was lucky to find my prostate cancer early when it was treatable.
Since my treatment in May 2003, more than 3.6 million other men have been diagnosed with prostate cancer and more than 400,000 have died from it.
Most of these men didn’t need to die. They just needed to know they had it in time to seek treatment.
Since then, educating men about prostate cancer risk and the need to test and personally track their PSA (prostate specific antigen) has been a personal mission for me.
I created ProstateTracker to let men make their prostate cancer risk visible. It’s available and free to everyone.
As a conversation starter, I put bright yellow wraps on both of my personal vehicles and I drive them every day as rolling prostate cancer awareness messages.
To have some fun, I now am carrying a SPOT Gen3 GPS satellite tracker with me when I’m out and around.
Everyone that introduces themselves to me personally goes into a drawing for one of our great Cancer Journeys Foundation embroidered Patagonia Puff Jackets.
You can find me simply by clicking on the image to right and see if I’m traveling. When I’m traveling, the GPS will transmit my location every 5 minutes.
Good luck!